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Welcome to Diamond Dachshund Rescue of Texas!
PO Box 17736 San Antonio, TX 78217 (844) 703-6943

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Toffee Claus' Sponsorship Page
Toffee Claus

Toffee Claus is a young male puppy.. He was guessed to be 12 weeks on Christmas Day. We were told that he is most likely a chi-weenie.  Toffee is a sweet boy. He loves to cuddle and loves his chew toys. He's very agile and loves to run around the house and play.  He is a shy and is slow to come to you at first. He will bark on occasion but hides when he does. He loves to be held.  Right now he weighs around 8 pounds. Toffee is doing well with potty training.  He might do well with other dogs, his current foster home does not have any. 

Toffee Claus is now available for adoption under our puppy contract.  

Toffee Claus' Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
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